
The Good Wife/Did you just invite yourself?

It's wrong, but I don't like my niece.

My sister called me and invited her daughter to come and stay with me for a few days. I said OK, thinking my kids would enjoy her company, but she's already being a PITA and she's not even here yet.

Her flight doesn't get in until 10:30pm on a Friday night. That means we won't be here, at home until at least midnight. Which means that I get to wait up for her to get here. Then settle her in, and then deal with my own kids, who rise at 7am at the latest. I'm tired just thinking about it.

She's a "buy me stuff" kinda girl, and I'm not a "buy you stuff" kinda Aunt. She's a manipulative little shit, and she hasn't spent enough time around me to know that I wrote the book on manipulation and can smell it a mile away. It just doesn't work with me - ask my own kids.

Add the stress over DH's work, and we've got the stage set for drama.

I'm trying to be supportive of DH thru all of this. It's hard, but I want to help him. He's stressed and angry and frustrated, and he doesn't want to be any of those things. He's still holding on, even though he should be running away from this place as fast as he can. Still, I'm here for him, for whatever he thinks is best. I want him to know that while I might do things differently, I'm confident that he is doing what is right for him. I can't tell him not to worry, that would be ridiculous, but I can try not to complain about my world, and to make things run smoothly around here.

Of course, things would run smoothly if I wasn't worrying about cashflow. He says we're fine and to just be a bit careful, but I'm obsessed with every penny that goes out of here. I need to stay calm though, because it's my turn to be the anchor in this relationship.

To top it all off, I apparently "volunteered" to watch a friends kids for 24 hours over the weekend. I don't remember doing that, but I wasn't quick witted enough to bail when I had a tiny chance.

I SO want all this to be over....

1 comment:

Pez said...

How was your niece's visit?

How is your dh? Any word from our BIL about a job for you?