
Back on the Bitch Wagon....

When I picked up the boys at school today, Joey asked to go over to a friends house . I said yes, if it was OK with Cade's Mom and I would pick him up at 5. Joey and Cade ran and asked, and told me it was OK, so I said goodbye. He's been there before, I've met the parents, no biggie.

I pulled up right on time today, and could hear music BLARING! I rang the bell....no answer. The music paused, so I rang the bell again...twice this time. I rang two more times, then banged on the door. The second time, I knocked even harder. The third time, I was getting more than a little pissed, and when I knocked, the door pushed open a bit.

So I went in. Joey, Cade and another boy were playing with Jedi swords, music blasting. I yelled over the music to have Joey come with me. Finally the boys turned off the music. Joey said goodbye, and I asked Cade if there was an adult around. He said his Mom was up in the computer room.


I never saw her, it never registered that I was there. She was asleep for all I know.

I'm furious. These boys are 9 years old, and while they don't need complete supervision, the do need SOME. Blasting music with the front door unlocked? ANYTHING could have happened, including someone walking into the house, and removing a child, without the supervising adult being aware of it....JUST LIKE I DID TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know what I'll say when I run into her again....

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