
Garage Conquest!!!!!!!

I've lived in this house for almost 4 years.

I've parked the car in the garage a total of about three months.

Our garage is a catch-all. From plastic Aubergine bookends (wedding present) to Zebra beachtowels...it's all in here. Some stuff I sorted thru today?

Birthday cards from my 24th thru 30th birthdays. To me, from many people, some of whom I don't even remember - I tossed these, but kept many other papers I probably should have chucked. There were some notes from guys I used to work with....apparently I was a bit flirty!

I found the vest my husband wore with his tux the day we were married - that got put away in the "wedding memories box".

Old photos - of my nephews when they were small, and me when I was in high school.

My FIL's things - those were a bit tough. I found his hat and glasses, his duffelbag that was at the hospital with him, and his old prosthesis, two of them. It's a bit wacky to be looking at two fake right legs, and not know what to do with them. Yes, several jokes crossed my mind, which Richard would have liked. Still, I need to call someone and see if something can be done with them. It's ridiculous and creepy at the same time to have them still.

It's Ibuprofen and bed for me.

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