
Matthew made GATE!!!

Yep, I'm bragging...again....

Matthew was tested for the Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Program today....and he made it! I'm thrilled for him!

It's been a tough parenting issue. While I want to encourage Matthew to do his best, and I believe (like all my children) he is a very bright and gifted child, I don't want the boys to compete. No, really....stop laughing....

I know they'll always be a bit competitive, but I don't want it to be because of anything I've done directly, nor do I want to encourage competition. One of Matthew's main motivators was because Joey was accepted into the program last year. David and I have spent the past year telling Matthew that we believe he is just as smart as Joey, but the GATE test isn't something that every smart kid passes. We're proud of Matthew no matter what.

And then, today....he was tested. He was told to keep it a secret because not all the kids that were evaluated made it. The little stinker didn't say anything until we pulled up at school tonight at 6pm for Back to School Night. He just couldn't hold it in any longer.

I'm so pleased and proud of him! His teacher is pleased too.

1 comment:

Pez said...

Sounds like your boys take after their mom with their smarts! :) Congrats to Matthew, Jill!