
Busy Day

Ok, so how's this for incorporating change?

DH got home at 4am. We talked for a few minutes before I slipped back into a deep sleep.

Up at 7am, fed, cleaned and clothed three kids. Decided to wait on a shower for myself. Took the boys to school, then got a call from the Realtor regarding a property I wanted to see for BIL. Went to the grocery store, dropped Hope at preschool...(note to self: Take a shower BEFORE dropping her off...you have to go inside and sign her in, not just drop at the curb like elementary school....looking decent at a distance won't cut it!)

Came home, showered, ironed something that didn't look too housewifey, met the realtor, came home, switched cars, filled the minivan with gas, picked up Hope at preschool, looking MUCH smarter than I did when I dropped her off. Made a bazillion phone calls, took the minivan thru the carwash, came home, made lunch for Hope and I, did dishes, cleaned three toilets and two bathrooms....sat on my ass for 15 whole minutes doing nothing!

Then I picked up the boys, picked up my friends kids at another school, made dinner, and actually enjoyed the rest of the evening with the kids, their Dad, and doing dishes.

I'm beat....

1 comment:

Pez said...

I'm tired just reading that! lol