
Garage Conquest!!!!!!!

I've lived in this house for almost 4 years.

I've parked the car in the garage a total of about three months.

Our garage is a catch-all. From plastic Aubergine bookends (wedding present) to Zebra beachtowels...it's all in here. Some stuff I sorted thru today?

Birthday cards from my 24th thru 30th birthdays. To me, from many people, some of whom I don't even remember - I tossed these, but kept many other papers I probably should have chucked. There were some notes from guys I used to work with....apparently I was a bit flirty!

I found the vest my husband wore with his tux the day we were married - that got put away in the "wedding memories box".

Old photos - of my nephews when they were small, and me when I was in high school.

My FIL's things - those were a bit tough. I found his hat and glasses, his duffelbag that was at the hospital with him, and his old prosthesis, two of them. It's a bit wacky to be looking at two fake right legs, and not know what to do with them. Yes, several jokes crossed my mind, which Richard would have liked. Still, I need to call someone and see if something can be done with them. It's ridiculous and creepy at the same time to have them still.

It's Ibuprofen and bed for me.


Why I hate porn...

Today, I walked into the computer room, to find a clip of a woman giving head playing on my 19 inch monitor. My daughter (as usual) was following close behind me. She's 4.

It's impossible to describe my feelings accurately, as it literally punched all my buttons at the same time, and added a few new ones to my circutboard.

Normally, porn is something that I ignore. My DH is an occasional user, and will sometimes receive a link from a friend (?) DH knows that I don't really approve, because, like millions of women, it makes me feel inadequate. I really don't need help to make myself feel this way, and while DH has heard me out on the issue, he's honest about what he does and doesn't look at, and I kinda respect that too.

My child had absolutely no idea what she was looking at, and I was very quick to close the window. "What she did or didn't see" is not an issue here. I do not want her exposed to strangers having sex. Period. It wasn't really anything I thought of before that exact moment, but there it is.

It also punched my buttons regarding women who participate in the porn industry. Yep, I'm one of those people who think they are being objectified and often abused. I don't think it is "normal" to want to have sex with strangers in front of a camera. Call me a prude, I'll deal with it.

Then my mind leapfrogs to the whole..."but that IS somebody's little girl" issue. And I can't let go of that idea. I cannot imagine how my husband, the father of the most beautiful little girl in the universe, can ever look at another woman without realizing that they are all somebody's daughter. This, apparently, is a big hangup for me. I'm wondering what his take is on it.

We haven't been able to have a conversation about it yet because we've had a very busy day. I'm planning on taking him out tomorrow night, just so we can try to work thru it.

I thought that by taking a few minutes to write out my impressions, I'd get some clarity on the issue, but it's just as complicated as ever. Sex is just a small part of this, it's the associations, experiences, trust issues, self esteem, fantasy, and potential for my kids that's all wrapped inside it.

That's why I hate porn.


Busy Day

Ok, so how's this for incorporating change?

DH got home at 4am. We talked for a few minutes before I slipped back into a deep sleep.

Up at 7am, fed, cleaned and clothed three kids. Decided to wait on a shower for myself. Took the boys to school, then got a call from the Realtor regarding a property I wanted to see for BIL. Went to the grocery store, dropped Hope at preschool...(note to self: Take a shower BEFORE dropping her off...you have to go inside and sign her in, not just drop at the curb like elementary school....looking decent at a distance won't cut it!)

Came home, showered, ironed something that didn't look too housewifey, met the realtor, came home, switched cars, filled the minivan with gas, picked up Hope at preschool, looking MUCH smarter than I did when I dropped her off. Made a bazillion phone calls, took the minivan thru the carwash, came home, made lunch for Hope and I, did dishes, cleaned three toilets and two bathrooms....sat on my ass for 15 whole minutes doing nothing!

Then I picked up the boys, picked up my friends kids at another school, made dinner, and actually enjoyed the rest of the evening with the kids, their Dad, and doing dishes.

I'm beat....


Matthew made GATE!!!

Yep, I'm bragging...again....

Matthew was tested for the Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Program today....and he made it! I'm thrilled for him!

It's been a tough parenting issue. While I want to encourage Matthew to do his best, and I believe (like all my children) he is a very bright and gifted child, I don't want the boys to compete. No, really....stop laughing....

I know they'll always be a bit competitive, but I don't want it to be because of anything I've done directly, nor do I want to encourage competition. One of Matthew's main motivators was because Joey was accepted into the program last year. David and I have spent the past year telling Matthew that we believe he is just as smart as Joey, but the GATE test isn't something that every smart kid passes. We're proud of Matthew no matter what.

And then, today....he was tested. He was told to keep it a secret because not all the kids that were evaluated made it. The little stinker didn't say anything until we pulled up at school tonight at 6pm for Back to School Night. He just couldn't hold it in any longer.

I'm so pleased and proud of him! His teacher is pleased too.


Back on the Bitch Wagon....

When I picked up the boys at school today, Joey asked to go over to a friends house . I said yes, if it was OK with Cade's Mom and I would pick him up at 5. Joey and Cade ran and asked, and told me it was OK, so I said goodbye. He's been there before, I've met the parents, no biggie.

I pulled up right on time today, and could hear music BLARING! I rang the bell....no answer. The music paused, so I rang the bell again...twice this time. I rang two more times, then banged on the door. The second time, I knocked even harder. The third time, I was getting more than a little pissed, and when I knocked, the door pushed open a bit.

So I went in. Joey, Cade and another boy were playing with Jedi swords, music blasting. I yelled over the music to have Joey come with me. Finally the boys turned off the music. Joey said goodbye, and I asked Cade if there was an adult around. He said his Mom was up in the computer room.


I never saw her, it never registered that I was there. She was asleep for all I know.

I'm furious. These boys are 9 years old, and while they don't need complete supervision, the do need SOME. Blasting music with the front door unlocked? ANYTHING could have happened, including someone walking into the house, and removing a child, without the supervising adult being aware of it....JUST LIKE I DID TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know what I'll say when I run into her again....


Let's get ready to grumble...

I do a lot of complaining here.

You'd think I was an unhappy woman from most of the things I write. I'm not at all.

I had a great conversation with Joey today after dinner. We talked about school, and his friends, and girls and the concept of girlfriends. We talked about how Colby is just a mean kid, and Joey's strategies for dealing with him. We talked about things at recess that are fun this year that were dorky last year. We even touched on the concept of sex education, and that the "know it all kids" this year are most likely to have it wrong, so he should ask a trusted grownup instead. I really felt tuned into him, and learned a few new things about him. I really like him as a person, after we're able to let go of the chores/parent/child thing. It takes time, and doesn't happen as often as I want it to, but it's sooo worth it.

Matthew absolutely blew. me. away. with his STAR test scores. He scored 100% in 7 out of 10 categories, and almost did 100% it across the board. I feel like he achieved a major milestone by conquering that test. I knew he knew the information, but I thought he would be bored by filling in bubbles with a #2 pencil for three days straight, and I'm so very proud of his focus.

Hope is growing and changing and growing so very fast. Tomorrow is her first day of preschool. Yes, I calmed down and realized it's "Pre-School". I'm going to give it a few weeks, and see if she is happy, then make a decision if it isn't working. She's a little anxious about spending time there without me, but I think she will do great. Hope really needs this time to explore by herself.

I'm feeling changes myself. As I work on this project with BIL (yes, it's slowly coming together), I'm gaining confidence. I know I'll be successful, because my definition has changed, and really? I already am. I have a rich rewarding life, with great kids, a terrific husband, a beautiful roof over my head, and the love and respect of those who I love and respect too. Really, what more could I need?


the Preschool Puzzle...Maria, where art thou?

Ok, I've said this a million times now. My kids are smart.


I got the boys STAR results back today, and both of them scored 100% in more than one area, different for each boy. I've pointed out that I am a very dedicated parent when it comes to their schooling. Joey went to a local parks and rec preschool in San Mateo, where he painted and sang and learned sign language and played. He spent about 18 months there. Matthew went to the same school, but because we moved he only spent about 6 months in preschool.

Hope hasn't been at all. She would love to have about a million friends. She has our neighbor, who just started kindergarten, a friend of Joey's little sister, who is in second grade, and one of "the darling children", who I don't like, and really don't want her to spend much time with. That makes me feel like I'm failing on the parenting thing because I haven't done much to get her socialized.

She's also a "late baby". Kindergarten cutoff here is December 2nd, and she was born on the 26th. This "should" have been her kindy year, but she's not old enough. She's definitely ready though. I'm not in such a hurry to start her on school, because I want her to enjoy her childhood. However, every. damn. preschool around here is either religion based or prides itself on it's academic features.


I did sign her up for the most popular preschool in town. But they messed up. She's placed in a 3 and 4 year olds class, not only 4's. Their Pre-K class only runs 5 days a week. I don't want her bored with kindy before she even gets there! I sat at orientation tonight, and was silently screaming because this program does not match up with my goals at all, and how can I just leave her to learn to be bored and hate school?

I looked, and the closest Montessori is about 20 miles away. I'd kill for a nice Montessori kindy right now....let's hope I can afford it.


Things that are older than Kay...

My Mom's cousin is Kay. She turns 68 tomorrow. We're not gonna let that pass without a bit of a celebration.

Kay has led an interesting life. Raised by a woman who was married 8 times, Kay herself ran away and got married at 14. By 17 she had three children of her own. Her marriage was not the best, but she stuck it out, until about 10 years ago. It's been like watching a butterfly emerge from a coccon. She's as silly and fun as at 24 year old in a 67 year old body. She came with us to Puerto Vallarta last year - her first time out of the United States. She oooooooo'd and ahhhhh'd and just thoroughly enjoyed every second of that trip.

So, today, at dinner, our family played "Things that are older than Kay", with hilarious results...they include:

The Alphabet is older than Kay ( according to Hope)
Automobiles (according to Joey)
Cockroaches are older than Kay (according to Matthew)

I typed up about 25 of them, put them in a mason jar and put a ribbon on it. Kay should be laughing herself silly this time tomorrow....


The "Darling" Children

Well, I survived the "Darling Children".

Joey got a last minute invite to a sleepover, which I happily sent him off to. So, while I had 5 kids from 9a-1p on Saturday, after 1pm, I only had 4. Even numbers do help.

Girl Darling was a tattling, fibbing mess for the first few hours, then quickly learned that I am the one in charge around here. Boy Darling tried to play on the playstation for most of the weekend, and found out about my 2 hour a day limit on weekends. (Which is actually doubled from the normal 1 hour when we don't have any guests). Overall, it was pretty uneventful. On Sunday morning, I was soooooo ready for them to leave. Girl Darling (who is 18 months older than my daughter) wanted to wear Hope's clothes and shoes, except they DON'T FIT HER!. I had to ask her to please leave my daughters things alone about every 60 minutes or so. Then I heard Girl Darling and Boy Darling tell my son that their parents probably wouldn't be here until at least 1pm. AAAAUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!

At 10:30am, I went to pick up Joey from his sleepover. I stayed for a bit and talked to Chris, and when we got home at 11:15, Dad Darling was actually here! Hooray! Of course, he wanted to hang out with DH for awhile and watch some sports. I "reminded" DH that we had some afternoon plans, and got them outta here as soon as I could. Of course, our plans were to sit on the couch and do nothing, but they were OUR plans, capish?


The Good Wife/Did you just invite yourself?

It's wrong, but I don't like my niece.

My sister called me and invited her daughter to come and stay with me for a few days. I said OK, thinking my kids would enjoy her company, but she's already being a PITA and she's not even here yet.

Her flight doesn't get in until 10:30pm on a Friday night. That means we won't be here, at home until at least midnight. Which means that I get to wait up for her to get here. Then settle her in, and then deal with my own kids, who rise at 7am at the latest. I'm tired just thinking about it.

She's a "buy me stuff" kinda girl, and I'm not a "buy you stuff" kinda Aunt. She's a manipulative little shit, and she hasn't spent enough time around me to know that I wrote the book on manipulation and can smell it a mile away. It just doesn't work with me - ask my own kids.

Add the stress over DH's work, and we've got the stage set for drama.

I'm trying to be supportive of DH thru all of this. It's hard, but I want to help him. He's stressed and angry and frustrated, and he doesn't want to be any of those things. He's still holding on, even though he should be running away from this place as fast as he can. Still, I'm here for him, for whatever he thinks is best. I want him to know that while I might do things differently, I'm confident that he is doing what is right for him. I can't tell him not to worry, that would be ridiculous, but I can try not to complain about my world, and to make things run smoothly around here.

Of course, things would run smoothly if I wasn't worrying about cashflow. He says we're fine and to just be a bit careful, but I'm obsessed with every penny that goes out of here. I need to stay calm though, because it's my turn to be the anchor in this relationship.

To top it all off, I apparently "volunteered" to watch a friends kids for 24 hours over the weekend. I don't remember doing that, but I wasn't quick witted enough to bail when I had a tiny chance.

I SO want all this to be over....


Groundhog Day

My kids had their first day of school today. For the second time this year.

They attend Year Round School, and started their new track assingment today. It was Yellow's first day of school, so it's like we are reliving the past month, minus the bad teacher. Fun to see new and old friends, and rather a strange feeling of deja vu.

I followed up with a formal complaint on the teacher that caused the move...here's most of my letter to her:

I wanted to take this opportunity to speak to you on behalf of myself and my son. I have a number of complaints that in all fairness, you should be informed of and allowed to respond to. Whether you choose to do so or not is your own decision. I’ve asked.(several people)..to be present in order to make clear that this is not a personal attack.

Here are my concerns:

*Your abrupt manner with myself and other parents.

I am fully aware that some find it difficult in new situations. Individual personality traits aside, a number of parents commented to me about what they considered rudeness from you on the first day. Parents want to meet and forge a relationship with the person they’ve entrusted their child to for 6+ hours a day. Your unwillingness to even let them visit the classroom set a very negative tone. I barged right in, and while you came across as reserved, I didn’t personally experience their same complaint. However, a negative start has influenced those very same parents, who you will be dealing with all year.

*The absence in the classroom of learning materials.

I visited your classroom on the first day of school, and again the following Monday. There was nothing posted on the walls – I find this absolutely amazing in a 3rd grade classroom. I know that there are budget allotments to be used at a teachers own discretion, and I know that it is agreed in this district and in virtually every existing teaching method that children need visual stimulation. What is the reasoning behind no calendars, alphabets, times tables, no visual learning tools whatsoever?

Textbooks were not checked out of the library in a timely manner. The Houghton-Mifflin texts are familiar to you, and were made available the first week of school. You were the very last to retrieve them. Why did it take so long to get books in the classroom?

Why were the kids given a 1st grade assignment for homework? I understand that the first week of school is a great deal of review, but it wasn’t Language Arts or Math, it was “How to grow a seed”, which I’ve seen used for Science. What made you choose that particular piece and not something more age appropriate?

The request for sharp scissors? You were aware that you would be coming here before the new school year started. All teachers are given a budget. You had ample opportunity to make sure you had basic supplies. I certainly don’t mind providing, yet your request was a first for me. It sent a message that you were unprepared for the school year.

*The lack of lesson plans

Once again, the H-M texts virtually set their own lesson plans. I know you are required to turn in lesson plans on a regular basis. I find it highly unusual that you would not have them done well in advance of class time, and make sure that they are available in case of any emergencies. The fact that there was nothing in place after the first week is greatly upsetting. The mad scramble for substitute teachers left my son and his class making paper airplanes for most of the week. I believe you bear the brunt of responsibility for that. Once again, you showed your lack of readiness for the school year.

*Not reporting your absence promptly.

While emergencies happen, your job has always demanded that the children be given priority. Unless you were physically unable to get to a phone or have someone else do it for you, there is simply no excuse for not reporting in in a timely fashion. You left eighteen 7 and 8 year olds out on the playground, and from my understanding, did it more than once. You shouldn’t be surprised to learn that I don’t trust you to take care of them when you are there, as you clearly don’t make plans when you are not.

As far as I’m concerned, this is a not a “few things here and there”, it is a mountain of evidence that you are not committed to the school year, not committed to teaching, and especially, not committed to the children. It’s likely you never were.

I believe that school is a partnership, and it requires the ongoing commitment of the Administration, Teachers, Students and Parents in order to provide an excellent education. I hold the teaching profession in the highest respect, and personally do all I can to support the entire school. My job is to be the best advocate for my child. Your actions, or lack thereof, have shown me that you are not up to the challenge.

I do not know, or fully understand the nature of your individual circumstances. It’s none of my business, and frankly, I’m not looking for excuses. I want a quality educational experience, and am willing to work hard to make that happen.

I don’t believe it whining until I get what I want, and then abandoning a problem. Your actions affect an entire community, and while I will continue to complain until your actions or circumstances change, it certainly won’t be behind your back. If I can assist you in making those necessary changes, please let me know. It’s the right thing to do for the kids, for our school and for our community.

Yes, I'm a bit of a windbag, especially when I feel strongly about something. I don't quite believe that my words will have any beneficial effect, unless she resigns. It is nice not to have to worry about her, but I feel a bit of guilt for the other children who are left behind. Either their parents didn't know or didn't care about what is happening.


Desperation, and other moods....

DH has worked at his job for 13 years. He's always underestimated himself and his worth at any job. Even so, he's good at anything he applies himself to, and has a great way with people. He has his own standards that aren't written in any job description, and has a great sense of personal integrity. One of the many reasons to love him.

His job sucks. It also sucks the life out of him. He'd do anything to make it better, but it's totally out of his control He feels like he can't find anything better, and considers himself unskilled. He's dead wrong, but that's what he believes.

I remember when he used to work full time with his Mom at a bar they co-owned. He'd regularly work his ass off, only to be kicked in it by her alcoholism. For a very long time, he believed that this was as good as it was ever gonna get. Then he got pissed off at her one day and landed a new job. In an afternoon. Selling cars.

He was 21 years old, and it took him three weeks to sell his first car. He never looked back, and in 7 more days, beat his quota and made salesman of the month. At last, something he was very very good at, all by himself. Too bad the dealership management didn't have any scruples. The second time they cheated him out of his commission, he walked out. Good for him.

He applied to work at the Sherrif's office. Made it all the way thru the final eval. The psychiatric board found him "very sound of mind", but didn't make a recommendation to hire because they were worried about how he would fit it in among the ethnic diversity of the department. That totally sucked, but it was too expensive and frustrating to mount a discrimination case...he needed a job.

So he went to work at the newspaper. Great benefits, regular work. He quickly became too smart for them, but he liked the sense of unity, and the benefits. Medical for the whole family, retirement, 401K, dental, vision...the works. He's addicted to the benefits now. I keep explaining that we could privatize our insurance for about the same cost now, and he could be free...but he really wants to think things will get better. I think it's his outlet for reliving his experiences with his Mom, just to get all Freudian on y'all.

They treat him like shit there, and would fire him in an instant if they could get away with it. I've wanted him out for years now. Looks like I might get my wish. He's terrified, and so am I. It can only get better, but it means a lot of change for us. I'm waiting for BIL to come thru for me, so that DH can take his time to find something new.

Please, make it fast, BIL.


The things we do for love...

DH is wonderful. He is a great person in spite of his childhood and parenting, certainly not because of it.

Today was his mother's birthday. I'd tell you which one, but she doesn't even have it straight. Let's just say around 60th, but as my son said "She looks A LOT older than that!". (Shhh...don't tell her, ok?)

So the kids didn't have school today, and I agreed that we should take them to visit her. Nevermind that this will be Hopes 4th encounter in her entire life with her "Mere'-mere'". I have no clue why she likes it spelled that way, I always thought it was "Ma-Mere'", but I'm not French, am I?

Last week, she called and asked me to buy her a new computer. She has never owned or operated one in her life, but she wanted my advice on it. She probably wants to use ESPN.com in order to call her bookie and bet on football, but I wouldn't dare say that to her face. Anyways, I ordered her a nice machine, and it showed up on Monday. She also asked for towels from Costco, so I got those too.

We drove DH's truck to his work, then all got in the minivan for the final leg over. I haven't been there since she first got sick. I forgot how damned dark she keeps everything, and how much she smokes. Why did I forget that? Matthew's asthma is very mild, but we keep him AWAY from triggers like smoke. It took about 20 minutes in her place for him to start coughing. I started before he did, and I don't have asthma.

So I took the kids to the playground at her apartment building. It was absolutely gorgeous outside, about 78, sunny with a light breeze. Perfect for sitting under a tree and watching my kids on a tire swing thru half open eyes. They had a ball.

Apparently, DH didn't. See, he stayed with his Mom in that nasty little smokebox. I came back and set up her computer, showed her how to play Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune. That's a decent first lesson, don't ya' think? I also logged her into her email, and showed her how to turn the thing ON and OFF. She's good for a week, and has my number. I don't know what was said between them, but DH was a bit of a grouch after that.

I was happy to drop him off at work and skip dinner entirely with him. The kids and I ate Chinese. Then we started the long trek home. 2 hours in a car with three children and no adult help can be tricky. Especially when you have the MIL of all headaches (probably all that smoke). But I made it, and got the kids to bed.

I think going to his Mom's makes DH digress a bit back to his childhood, which is not AT ALL who he is today. I can say I won't hurry to get back there, and neither will my kids.


School Daze

It's been ugly....

If you're just stumbling across this blog by chance, let me tell you. I love teachers. I respect their level of education, and the amazing things they can do with my children. Even so, there are a very few bad apples out there that can really ruin the experience.

Meet Ms. M. Oh, wait, you can't....because she's only worked for 5 days so far this year. Not to mention the 5 month "disability vacation" she took last year. See, she has tenure, which means that the dumbass school district is more afraid of a lawsuit from her than they are from me. They dumped her at our school because the teachers and administration at her last assignment had had enough.

The first time I met her, I didn't like her. I just hoped my son liked her. Turns out the whole experience was a colossal waste of time. She's claiming some sort of medical issues, but really? I don't give a rats ass. The 6th day of school, she didn't bother to call, she just stopped showing up. Left 18 kids standing outside a classroom without telling anyone she couldn't make it. Five days in a row, before she faxed in a doctors note about being on disability for the next 6 weeks.

It's third grade. There were no times tables on the bulletin board. No maps, no calendars, no weather charts, no Presidents...NOTHING. I've never seen a classroom so white. Turns out there were no lesson plans either. Who starts a school year without lesson plans? NOT a tenured teacher!! My son used his time wisely for the first 10 days of school and made paper airplanes and drew pictures of SpongeBob being tortured by aliens. He is 8 years old.

I complained, but the Vice Principal is a very PC woman. She advised me to wait for the Principal to return in a few days. So I waited. Turns out the Principal (great guy, really understands that parents, teachers and children ALL should have a voice) agreed with me. Of course, he's got to crunch numbers and what have you, but he was wiling to discuss a transfer to another class. He can't fire her until he has followed due process. He told me it takes him an average of 461 days to do that.

As an interesting sidenote, my kids go to year round school. Basically, they go for three months and are off for one month. For example "Yellow" track has July, November and March as vacation months. "Blue" track has August, December and April, Green has September, January and May, and Red has October, February and June off. We were on Green track. We have one teacher assigned to each grade on each track. If you need to change teachers, you have to change tracks. It's used to alleviate overcrowding, so most classes are full, most of the time.

Still, it should be simple enough, right? Not a chance. Problem is, I have more than one child. The 8 year old has a 9 year old brother at school. Having a terrific start with his teacher, settling in very well, handling growing responsibilities on his own....I couldn't ask for anything more. There are tracks with a 3rd grade position open, and tracks with a 4th grade position open, but they are not the same tracks. So I have to either sacrifice my 3rd grader to a terrible teacher for an entire year, or sacrifice my family life, with kids on two different schedules. Everybody wins....NOT!

I want this teacher out of here. I don't trust her to show up at work, how can I trust her with my kid? I don't trust her with anyone's child, and I really feel for those parents who haven't met her, haven't been in the classroom, haven't seen how much the other teachers at school dislike her. I feel a moral obligation to stand up not just for my own, but for all these kids. It's not OK, I'm not going to get over it, and I can't afford to wait and see if she gets better. I'd really like to confront her, but SHE'S NOT HERE!!!

I checked into filing a complaint with the district over her actions, but was completely discouraged. I pulled a form off the website on Complaint Procedures. While it mentions the rights and responsibilities of the district employee, it does not even once mention the welfare of the child. It speaks about "trusting our teachers", but apparently we don't give a shit if they've already proven to be untrustworthy.

I'm filing a complaint anyways. The Principal needs it, along with the other disciplinary actions he filed in order to eventually get rid of her. He's told me he is not going to look the other way when made aware of a bad teacher. If he can't use paperwork to remove them, he plans on making their lives unpleasant enough to reconsider a teaching position at his school. He took the time to listen to me over the past week, and finally begged a spot so that my children could both be moved.

My 3rd grader didn't just get a better teacher, he got Mrs. C, who was the Teacher of the Year for the county we live in just last year. She got an honorable mention at the State Level too. I've sat with her on a community board for the last 19 months and I really like her. Her class is so popular, it is always full, and impossible to get into. My 4th grader told me late last year that he'd like to be in Mrs. F's class someday. I told him that would be impossible as she didn't teach on his track. He is her newest student, and just as thrilled to have him as he is to have her.

While I'm very relieved, I feel like I've been thru 15 rounds with the titleholder. This one woman's amazingly selfish actions have been like a tsunami in my life for the past three weeks. I'm so very glad it's over, a bit resentful of the forced change, yet it went much better than I thought. I fretted and worried about the kids, as they were wary of leaving their friends. We had a terrific school year last year, and I hoped for more of the same. This was our first experience with a truly bad teacher, and I hope I don't have to go thru it again.

Oh, did I mention that as part of the complaint process, I'll be meeting with her face to face? This should be quite interesting. I'm going to see how many other parents I can get involved.