
I knew this already, but I forgot.

I am not incompetent....I am not incompetent....I am not incompetent!

It's been a day of adjustment here. DH is still not feeling well, so I'm the Captain of the Ship again. I'm all for being in charge, but that means I should get to delegate a few things at least. I'm reminded of what my mothers' particular dysfunction is. She cleans, and tidies, and does little stuff around my house constantly. Which leaves my kids very little to do around here. So when she isn't around....they balk, and whine and act like little snots who can't be bothered to lift a finger.

I asked Joey to take out the garbage yesterday, and he was quite helpful. Today, when I asked him again....I got the eyeroll. I wasn't in the mood for eyerolling. Matthew also took out the recycling yesterday, and willingly today (cans are FUN to crush!), but both boys were completely and deliberately oblivious to my request to actually clean their room. They didn't want to get dressed, didn't want to pick up...they were in their room starting at 9:20 this morning. When, out of sheer frustration, I explained that there would be no lunch until the room was clean, they finally finished around 1pm. Boy, were they hungry!

Both of them acted like their ears were full of wool all day long. Roughhousing, being too loud, there was even a hitting incident (which really makes me unhappy!). Imagine their delight when I called a meeting after dinner. My theory here is that I have vivid memories of completely ignoring my mother, and disrespecting her. This is "one of those things" that I am determined not to have happen with my kids. So I explained how disrespectful I felt the kids were, and how I expected them to participate as full members of the family. DH was there (looking pale green and exhausted, wrapped in a blanket to ward off the chills) and even managed to convey the seriousness of the situation. I can only hope tomorrow is a better day. I need a good nights sleep tonight if I'm gonna keep up.

What did I do for me today? Make sure I wrote this while it was still fresh.

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