
Enough already!

My sense of fairness says I should be writing about my oldest child. My sense of reality says that I need to figure out other issues right now. His turn will come.

How can you love someone so much, and have difficult days with them? My husband is a really great guy, yet we just kept missing the point with each other all day. I felt like he wasn't listening to me or being passive aggressive or just plain thickheaded. Normally, he's a great listener, and the P/A thing isn't really his style. We can both be thickheaded, so maybe that's it. Oh well, today's over so we can start fresh tomorrow.

I managed to detail clean my stovetop today. It took a repairman to show me how I could safely dismantle the damn thing to do it. I hate to admit it, but I've had it for 3 years without being able to lift the burner-liner thingies. It was cruddy in there, but it isn't anymore. Looks brand spanking new. I also managed to get rid of the cobwebs in the can lights in the kitchen. I keep forgetting to do that, and only notice the webs when we have visitors...embarassing!

Didn't get "enough" done today, although I did manage to walk my kids down to the park to play after dinner. They thought it was wonderful and special, and I'd much rather think about their shining happy faces on the slide than the fact that my tile floor needs cleaning. I know the kids don't care about the floor, and the bedtime kisses were all the sweeter for it.

1 comment:

Pez said...

I have a fridge magnet that says "Good Mothers have dirty floors, filthy ovens and happy kids". You sound like a good mother. :)