
Maybe she's a spy....

My 4 year old is TOUGH! Strong, smart, fun, funny...she rocks!

Today, she was scheduled for 4 (yes four) shots. Last Thursday, she had her annual checkup. She's 41 pounds and 43 inches tall. She sees and hears perfectly, and knows all her colors and numbers. She liked her new pediatrician, so I took a pass on ending the day with immunizations. I knew we could go to the injection clinic anytime.

I needed a plan though, remember, she's a smart cookie! "How'd you like to go to the candy store on Monday?", I asked slyly. "Really?" she said, knowing that there had to be a catch here. "Sure", I said. "First I'll let you pick out any candy you want, then we'll run by the clinic and get you some shots, and then....we'll visit your NEW SCHOOL"! She's very excited about school, but it only took her a nanosecond to say "Shots, I don't like shots!"

"But you'll get candy..." I singsonged. Every time that child tried to discuss the pain of shots, and exactly how many she might be getting, I was there. "Big candy for a big girl!" "Are you gonna have chocolate or a lolly?" "Did you know you get to hold the candy the WHOLE TIME until after?".

Monday rolled around, right on schedule. At 10am, I took her to the candy store. Didn't rush her, let her look at all the options. We discussed the merits of Skittles vs. Pushpops, M&M's vs. Dip'n stix. Gummy Bears were never even in contention. Finally, she looked at me with her biggest, most manipulative smile, and said "I'd be SOOOOO happy if I could have a Ring Pop AND some M&M's".

I caved.

So she held tightly to her purchases and we went off to the clinic. I kept her busy talking about the candy while the nurse got her stuff together. She happened to be the only child in there at the time. She bravely sat on my lap, and put her hands over her eyes. "Just do it"! she said. Never even blinked, not an "ouch", nuthin'! As soon as the bandaid for #4 was on, she handed me the Ring Pop to open for her and said "So is my new teacher blonde, like me?". Even the nurse was astounded at her cool.


Pez said...

Wow - she is one tough cookie! Glad that she took it all in stride.

Marlene said...

Wow, what a big girl! I am impressed.