
Karma and the week I had...

Karma is....well, it's something derogatory. I can't quite find the word, but I will.

So my Mom finally left me alone, and all hell broke loose last week.

1. DH was very very ill. He went to the doc 3 times and included an emergency room visit. He's feeling much better now, but he was scaring the crap outta me! He was in tremendous pain, and I really felt how limited my support system is. I'm very very happy that he is A-OK now.

2. DH's mother tripped and fell. She broke her shoulder and foot. Now the agonizing process of healing begins, and I get to hand-hold her and DH thru Social Security/Disability/Medicare and Medi-Cal....that is if said MIL can actually fess up to her real age. She's somewhere between 59 and 65.....

3. My niece was apparently very sick as well. She had an abscess in the muscles in her hip socket, which got infected with staph bacteria. She spent 10 days in the hospital, and just now got home. While my sister and her entire family LOVE drama, this was probably a great deal more than they bargained for. With my Mom out of the country and me thoroughly distracted by my own crisis...I'm not sure if they've wrung all the family drama out of their systems yet. We'll see...

4. Some jerk broke into my car, and took a LOT of my stuff. I didn't even realize just how much I had in there....and I'm not real thrilled with having to replace it all. The pain of explaining to my children why their baseball gloves were missing for their first Little League game was bad enough....

So Karma....I've had enough please. Lemme get my balance back, and I'll do some good stuff, ok? I didn't even really complain as much as I wanted to, doesn't that count for something? Oh, don't forget that I'm grateful that most of this stuff didn't actually happen to me, just affected me in a not-so-positive way.

While I'm at it, can you make it stop raining, please?

1 comment:

Pez said...

I hope the your mom comes back soon (oh, did I really say that?), your dh feels better soon, your MIL heals nicely, your niece recovers quickly, the jerk returns your stuff (ok, that one is a stretch) and the rain stops soon, Jill. Hang in there!