
My Xanax couch....

I did see the doctor. Well, not MY doctor, because he's out of town right now, but A doctor. He seemed to think that "taking time for you" was a good idea. When I laughed at him, I think I crossed the line into maniacal laughter, because he finally started listening to what I had to say.

I told him that I am probably one of the more "self aware" patients he's likely to come across in this setting, and that the reason why I was in his office was because while pedicures and "remembering to breathe" are useful, they are NOT WORKING RIGHT NOW. Finally he coughed up some short term happy pills, and a follow up with my regular doc next month. Yipee!!! Just knowing that I have an extra bit of ammo in my arsenal helps a great deal. I've only taken two of the pills, and I have no intention of using them all up anytime soon. They're like my secret stash for when the world gets to be too much.

I happen to live in the part of California that is under flood watch. My own home is a bit too far away from the river to be threatened, but lots of other townsfolk are concerned. One homeowner is building a berm around her home as she was flooded out about 5 years back. As she said "No one's laughing at me"....DH and I went to run some errands in the next town over, and drove across the river. It's high, alright, but it isn't overflowing. It was slightly reassuring to see all the levees and fill ponds between our home and the river, looking nice and empty so far. Of course, the trailer park is under water...figures.

We seem to have MIL worked out so far. I've pretty much resigned my duties, other than as a supportive, loving spouse. I'm gonna make it as easy as possible for DH to be there and help his mom, but I'm not doing any heavy lifting. It just isn't good for me. That said, I did some shopping: purchased a safe shower bench, the aforementioned microwave, and went on the 'net to purchase her "missing" birth certificate. I'm very helpful, aren't I? DH spent Monday with her, doing shopping and chores, and his Aunt (her sister) will fill in for the rest of the week. DH will try to get back there on Sunday or Monday.

After DH and I patched things up on Friday, an angel of mercy must have thumped him on the head! He turned back into the most supportive, caring guy anyone would ever have the chance to meet. I fondly remember him behaving this way all the time, prior to about 6 months ago. Apparently, he's back, and welcomed by me with open arms! Makes me notice all the little things I appreciate about him when he's doing the same for me. We're just basking in co-appreciation. It really does help things, and I think he likes it just as much as I do. Makes it kinda worth the low point last week (well, almost - I hate getting that upset!)

The kids are OK. I've got a surly 8 year old, a kinestetic 7 year old (meet with his pedi tomorrow) and a 4 year old with a nagging cough. We're trying new allergy meds for Hope and I'm interested to see what the doc has to say about Matthew. I'm NOT putting him on any meds besides his asthma ones. We're a prescription filled family right now. The boys laid in bed and talked until 10pm tonight. Normal bedtime is 8:30, and I'm not looking forward to all the crankiness tomorrow. I'd better rest up myself.

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