
Political Name Calling....

I've absolutely had it up to here with idiotic Americans. Here is a small sampling of first hand comments I've had to listen to today:

"You know, I read that Democrats have a lower birthrate than Republicans do....probably because they're all gay!" - S. a twice married mother of three, who fights daily with her ex over custody issues in front of the kids. She cannot spell "marrier" either. Apparently she's unfamiliar with birth control, as most Dem's I know use it. She's also unaware that children don't always grow up to join their parents political party either...apparently she's never heard of the 1960's.

"I put that 10 foot flagpole in my front yard because I want my illegal immigrant neighbors to know that I'm an American who believes in fences" - R. A boy scout troop leader, who's neighbors aren't illegals, they're immigrants, United States citizens who speak with an accent, and run a yard service business. If he actually spoke with them, and got past his personal stereotypes of those "Mexicans", he'd find out that they are actually from Honduras and have been here for 18 years.

There have been a dozen snippets about GW Bush visiting a nearby town yesterday as well. While plenty of folks in this town believe that it is a special, and singular honor, they fail to comprehend that he showed up in a city of 250.000 people. At an airport that has no commercial passenger flights, just a UPS hub and some private planes. He was within spitting distance of a major metropolitan area with 8 million people, and a state of the art airport with the latest anti-terrorist security features. Within spitting distance the other side of the capital of California, where a Republican Governor sits, but couldn't make the time to see him. Why? Because he is a moron of the first order, and he would be booed and picketed in the Bay Area, and the Governor can't be associated with him because he's up for reelection in November.

We've got a Congressman who should be in jail for soliciting sex from minor boys and using his Congressional title as influence over these same boys, who's in rehab "because alcohol is a major factor" and "I was abused by clergy as a child".

I cannot watch local television nor answer my telephone without being assaulted by political messages from both parties.

I'm not a Republican or a Democrat. I'm just a wife, mother and child who believes that those of us who are lucky enough to have "enough" should share it with others. I believe that government's job is to maintain the union, protect it's people, and educate.

I believe that sometimes, people need to be pushed to do what's right. I believe that morality cannot be completely legislated. I believe that religion is personal, and it isn't anyone else's business. I believe that church is for people who need it. I believe a woman has the right to choose what happens to her own body. I believe that democracy is NOT the best thing for everyone in the whole wide world, and that there should be many governments and cultures. I think the killing in Iraq is wrong, and I believe that the United States should never have gone there.

I believe that terrorists will never win. I believe that intelligent life may exist on other planets, but it's damn hard to find on this one.