

I took apart the boys room today. It's official, they really do have a million Legos, along with a half million K'nex. You'd think their fine motor skills would be fantastic, but they both write like med students.

I feel the need to sit and be still for minute. Here's what's happened so far today:

Up and dressed myself and three children, made breakfast for all, took them to school. After we dropped off the boys, I stopped at two auto parts stores, looking for windshield wipers for my minivan. No luck, either out of stock, or outrageously expensive. Took Hope to school, went to WallyWorld for cheap windshield wipers, looked at fleece for a class project, but couldn't find what I wanted. Found sweats for Matthew's Halloween costume, and came home.

Then I began to dump out the boys room. It only took an hour to clear the floor, and bring the entire mess to the living room. Then I picked up Hope from preschool, went to the craft store to catch a sale. I was hoping for a Halloween craft for Matthew's class, but I found a deal on a Christmas one, so I bought that. Then I ran by Ace Hardware, and returned a stapler from last week's chair recovering (This was the wrong one, with the staples that didn't fit, I kept the other one). Brought Hope home, who was now running a fever. Fed her lunch, gave her medicine, had a sandwich myself, and began to vacuum the boys room. Matthew's bed was coming unbolted, and I couldn't find the proper Allen wrench, so off to the hardware store again to get a new set. I also bought some rope and clothespins to make a baseball cap hanger for the boys room.

Then I ran to the grocery store to get something for dinner. I came home, handed off the wrench to DH (thanks honey!) , and picked the boys up at school. I spoke with Matthew's teacher for a moment to confirm party plans. Then we came home, and I worked on the boys closet for a bit. I got thru two thirds of it, weeding out old clothes, shoes, and those damn legos. Then it was time for dinner, while I finished up washing all their bedding.

After dinner, we lit a fire in the firepit, and roasted marshmallows. We even made s'mores with graham crackers and nutella, because I had no "real chocolate". I made the boys beds up, medicated Hope and put her to bed. Now I'm yelling at the boys every 15 minutes to be quiet and go to sleep, as they are extremely chatty tonight. I don't have much patience left, after working to clean their room all day.

Better put myself to bed as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whew! I am exhaustedjust reading all that!

If you have time to order a craft online, check out www.orientaltrading.com. They have some neat things.