
If you feed them, they will grow...

Today Hope and I ran some errands. Home Depot for some sand to put in our new outdoor fireplace, and to the grocery store for a few things. On the way, she noticed that some of the trees are starting to turn color. She's been learning about Autumn in preschool

"Mom, those leaves are changing, it's really Fall!" she said.

"I know honey, right now they're mostly yellow, but soon they will be red and brown and will fall off the trees", I replied.

"Yep, that's life", she said sagely.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"You know, that's "life"....like when you put me in bed and cover me with soft blankee and I say "Ahhh, this is the life!"...it's like that. "

And I remembered how that feels, the "This is the life!" feeling, for just a moment.

I savored. The joy of her growing up is more painful that I thought it would ever be.

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