
I pledge "ball-e-jance", to the....

Hope is enjoying preschool.

She's already got a best friend, who is also her boyfriend. "We have to be, mama" she says. "We're both the only fours in the class, and Salem pushes me on the swing whenever I want him to!".

I picked her up today, only to watch Salem blow her a kiss goodbye. Not sure how I feel about that. She didn't return the kiss, but certainly felt it was her due. "I love him, and he loves me Mom".

She's taken to calling me "Mom" lately. The boys still call me Mommy or Mama, and I'm spoiled. I don't like it as much, it seems too grown up. She is growing fast right now, and I'm proud of her, but I'd like to squeeze a bit more babying into her.

Right now, she's showing her brothers how she salutes the flag. "It's only a little boring, you put this hand on your heart, and the other hand on your hip, like this". Then you sing a song and pledge some stuff, but I can't remember it all"....the boys actually started to teach her the wrong words....so I had to be the Mom and a "Good American", and stop them. Can you imagine, Friday in preschool, my daughter using potty talk during the pledge?? This town just couldn't handle it.

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