
I knew this already, but I forgot.

I am not incompetent....I am not incompetent....I am not incompetent!

It's been a day of adjustment here. DH is still not feeling well, so I'm the Captain of the Ship again. I'm all for being in charge, but that means I should get to delegate a few things at least. I'm reminded of what my mothers' particular dysfunction is. She cleans, and tidies, and does little stuff around my house constantly. Which leaves my kids very little to do around here. So when she isn't around....they balk, and whine and act like little snots who can't be bothered to lift a finger.

I asked Joey to take out the garbage yesterday, and he was quite helpful. Today, when I asked him again....I got the eyeroll. I wasn't in the mood for eyerolling. Matthew also took out the recycling yesterday, and willingly today (cans are FUN to crush!), but both boys were completely and deliberately oblivious to my request to actually clean their room. They didn't want to get dressed, didn't want to pick up...they were in their room starting at 9:20 this morning. When, out of sheer frustration, I explained that there would be no lunch until the room was clean, they finally finished around 1pm. Boy, were they hungry!

Both of them acted like their ears were full of wool all day long. Roughhousing, being too loud, there was even a hitting incident (which really makes me unhappy!). Imagine their delight when I called a meeting after dinner. My theory here is that I have vivid memories of completely ignoring my mother, and disrespecting her. This is "one of those things" that I am determined not to have happen with my kids. So I explained how disrespectful I felt the kids were, and how I expected them to participate as full members of the family. DH was there (looking pale green and exhausted, wrapped in a blanket to ward off the chills) and even managed to convey the seriousness of the situation. I can only hope tomorrow is a better day. I need a good nights sleep tonight if I'm gonna keep up.

What did I do for me today? Make sure I wrote this while it was still fresh.


Sweet Ptomaine!

Thank Goodness!

DH just called, he has a stomach inflammation, probably caused by a touch of food poisoning. They've given him some meds, and he sounds SO MUCH BETTER!

Did I mention that I was terrified that something serious was going on? While what he actually has is no picnic, what he could have had in my mind was far worse. I am so relieved. I hate it when he is sick, because it doesn't happen very often, and it tends to be quite severe. If anything should happen to him.....Well, let's not go there, shall we?

He's on the mend, and that's what is important.

Granted...taking and taken for

My mom left for a week long vacation today...Hooray! I'm happy because she loves to travel and should be doing something exciting with her "golden years", and because she'll be outta my hair for almost 8 days.

Hope and I drove her to the airport today. It was an hour long drive, so I parked when we got there, and we walked Grandma into the terminal and helped her check in. Mostly just to stretch Hope's legs. Rain was threatening, so we were only there for 10 minutes or so, and Hope threw a fit when we left. I...miss...Grandma!", she wailed. I reassured her that Grandma would be back and full of fun stories to tell.

When we got back home, both the boys weighed in with "I really wish Grandma was here" and "I miss Grandma already". For some reason (jealousy, perhaps?) this irritated the living shit outta me. I finally snapped at Joey and told him that while I understood that he loves his Grandma, I was feeling a bit hurt...like maybe I wasn't good enough.

Know what? It feels lousy to feel jealous, and even lousier to use your school age kid for therapy. I should have been able to rise above those comments. I have children that are lucky enough to have a few grandparents that they love, and I'm stomping on it because I should be the one they love most? It's nauseating just to type that out, but maybe I should really LOOK at the words.

My excuse is that I'm beyond worried right now. DH finally agreed to go to Urgent Care. He's been complaining all day of abdominal pain. Not a stomach ache, pain. He had his gallbladder out last year, so it might be his pancreas. I hope to hell it isn't, and I hope that he is feeling better, immediately. I'm terrified, because I can't help him. I have no one to watch the kids, and if he is seriously ill, shouldn't I be comforting them too? I wish I had a clone, and a medical degree. We'll know more later.


Enough already!

My sense of fairness says I should be writing about my oldest child. My sense of reality says that I need to figure out other issues right now. His turn will come.

How can you love someone so much, and have difficult days with them? My husband is a really great guy, yet we just kept missing the point with each other all day. I felt like he wasn't listening to me or being passive aggressive or just plain thickheaded. Normally, he's a great listener, and the P/A thing isn't really his style. We can both be thickheaded, so maybe that's it. Oh well, today's over so we can start fresh tomorrow.

I managed to detail clean my stovetop today. It took a repairman to show me how I could safely dismantle the damn thing to do it. I hate to admit it, but I've had it for 3 years without being able to lift the burner-liner thingies. It was cruddy in there, but it isn't anymore. Looks brand spanking new. I also managed to get rid of the cobwebs in the can lights in the kitchen. I keep forgetting to do that, and only notice the webs when we have visitors...embarassing!

Didn't get "enough" done today, although I did manage to walk my kids down to the park to play after dinner. They thought it was wonderful and special, and I'd much rather think about their shining happy faces on the slide than the fact that my tile floor needs cleaning. I know the kids don't care about the floor, and the bedtime kisses were all the sweeter for it.

The middle life...

My middle son is SUCH a sweet boy.

Sensitive enough to cry over a cartoon character, and tough enough to walk off a bean ball. It's easy to just let be, because things don't upset him much. Get him talking though, and I always learn something.

I realized this morning that he had been "faking" taking his meds. He has allergies and mild asthma, so he takes three medicines, twice a day. His teacher has been noticing more wild behavior out of him lately, so when I asked him if he took his meds this morning, I knew he was lying when he said yes.

Tonight, I talked to him about trust. We talked about how trusting someone means you can rely on them to do the right thing. Then we moved on to how trust gets eroded and how difficult it is to build back up. That's when the dam burst. He hates his meds! The allergy pills make him sleepy and he hates having asthma. Nevermind that 50% of the kids in his class have it, he just wants to be "normal". It just about broke my heart!

Tomorrow I'm calling his doctor. He may have some ADD/ADHD issues (which are currently being evaluated), but I don't want to use meds for him for that, so why should I use allergy tablets to slow him down? There's got to be a better answer. He's an amazingly smart kid, but very kinestetic. He is unable to sit still in class, and often moves or even hums when he is being taught. Amazingly, he can repeat verbatim what has been said, even though you and I would swear that the kid is off in never-never land. He also appears to have some neurological "funk" going on. He runs with a drop foot, even though there is no reason to. I've just got to get to the bottom of this. It's a huge quality of life issue for him, and I feel a huge mothering need to teach him how to handle it.

We had a great talk tonight, and I was reminded what a loving child he is. I wish I didn't have to be reminded....I should do better.


Maybe she's a spy....

My 4 year old is TOUGH! Strong, smart, fun, funny...she rocks!

Today, she was scheduled for 4 (yes four) shots. Last Thursday, she had her annual checkup. She's 41 pounds and 43 inches tall. She sees and hears perfectly, and knows all her colors and numbers. She liked her new pediatrician, so I took a pass on ending the day with immunizations. I knew we could go to the injection clinic anytime.

I needed a plan though, remember, she's a smart cookie! "How'd you like to go to the candy store on Monday?", I asked slyly. "Really?" she said, knowing that there had to be a catch here. "Sure", I said. "First I'll let you pick out any candy you want, then we'll run by the clinic and get you some shots, and then....we'll visit your NEW SCHOOL"! She's very excited about school, but it only took her a nanosecond to say "Shots, I don't like shots!"

"But you'll get candy..." I singsonged. Every time that child tried to discuss the pain of shots, and exactly how many she might be getting, I was there. "Big candy for a big girl!" "Are you gonna have chocolate or a lolly?" "Did you know you get to hold the candy the WHOLE TIME until after?".

Monday rolled around, right on schedule. At 10am, I took her to the candy store. Didn't rush her, let her look at all the options. We discussed the merits of Skittles vs. Pushpops, M&M's vs. Dip'n stix. Gummy Bears were never even in contention. Finally, she looked at me with her biggest, most manipulative smile, and said "I'd be SOOOOO happy if I could have a Ring Pop AND some M&M's".

I caved.

So she held tightly to her purchases and we went off to the clinic. I kept her busy talking about the candy while the nurse got her stuff together. She happened to be the only child in there at the time. She bravely sat on my lap, and put her hands over her eyes. "Just do it"! she said. Never even blinked, not an "ouch", nuthin'! As soon as the bandaid for #4 was on, she handed me the Ring Pop to open for her and said "So is my new teacher blonde, like me?". Even the nurse was astounded at her cool.


Is this a cycle?


I'm finding myself a bit down and dissatisfied. Seems I haven't done enough for my kids, my husband, or myself. It seems so....familiar....I'm easily distracted, willing to do anything other than the bare minimum on my "to do" list, and then beating myself up when nothing gets done.

I could blame it all on my Mother. She's driving me absolutely nuts these days. She tries to outmother me with my own kids, criticizes my parenting choices, and makes snide comments about my husband. Yep, she sucks right now. Did I mention she has been cleaning for me? Not because I asked or anything, she just starts doing stuff. Mostly it irritates me because it breaks my rhythm when I am trying to do something. It used to really depress me, like she was saying I wasn't clean enough for her or something. Then I remembered my childhood, and she didn't do much housework then, so either she's making up for lost time, or she's bored silly.

The gatekeeping and outmothering crap has got to go! Interrupting me when I am talking to my child is beyond rude. It doesn't help when your solution is different than mine either.

Good news? She's going on vacation, so I won't even hear her voice for a good 8 days!


Odds...that's me!

It's been an interesting week.

Little League practice started, we've had some FREAKY weather, and I had a birthday. I'm amazed that I'm not in a funk about it like I have been for the last few years. It seems I am beginning to really believe that I do matter. Life isn't passing me by....What a relief! No, I haven't ended world hunger nor have I cured cancer, but there are people on this planet that are caring and loving because of something I did. (and not just the ones I gave birth to!).

I have a hard time occasionally letting other people lead.. I keep doing it with the Team Mom at LL. She's a very nice woman, harried, because she has two boys about a year apart (like me), but her's are still babies. She's frazzled and frantic, and I remember that so very well. It makes me appreciate just how nice it is to have the boys all grown up! I need to back off and let her do her stuff instead of being the control freak that I secretly am.

We had a fierce lightning storm last night. Only a half hour, but we counted close to 100 strikes that we saw and heard. My oldest boy was a bit stressed. I had to remind him to breathe, and reassure him that Daddy would be just fine (he was driving to work at the time) and called DH to show that he was OK. I was more worried about having the power go out and having to entertain three kids until bedtime! We didn't lose power though, so it turned into a mellow evening by 8pm.

I'm trying to be more honest about who I am and what I do and don't like. DH asked me what I wanted for my birthday, and I told him:
1. A bike
2. A necklace that I have been eyeing in a catalog since Christmas.
3. An evening away with just him.

I MEANT I wanted one of those things, but he did all three, with mixed results. I love the bike, I wish the weather would get better so I could ride it more (hail isn't really comfortable to ride in, y'know??).

The evening away was a total disaster! I asked a friend to watch the kids, and told DH that I wanted to be surprised. So on my birthday, he says: "So, where do you want to go?" He's actually trying very hard, and he wants to please me, but he doesn't fully understand the amount of planning that usually goes on, and clearly, he didn't do any. I gave him an easy way out, told him I wanted to go to a Casino that is about an hour away from here and go to dinner at a nice place in that town. He decided that he would "make it even better" by going to a different Casino, in the middle of nowhere, and spend the night. Problem: He had no reservations, didn't have directions, and did I mention the weather? The snow level fell to 500 feet that night. I'm in a truck without 4-wheel drive, on a dark country road, without a CLUE as to where I am in relation to the main highway. He's got less than 1/2 a tank of gas, and there is thunder and lightning everywhere, which soon turns into snow. The warmest thing I have is a sweater I happened to put on, and we don't even have a bottle of water with us, and the cells phones fell outta range about 20 miles back.

Yep, I completely freaked out. Tears and all. I hated to do it because he really did have the best of intentions, but it just wasn't his night, KWIM? We did finally find the place, but there was 6 inches of snow on the ground, and of course, the hotel was sold out. I was so pissed at the trouble we had finding this place, that I insisted we leave at that moment. So back into the car, heading back downhill into civilization. We ended up with dinner at a Claim Jumper and a night in a college town known more for it's "agri" than it's "culture". Oh well! Hubby felt awful about it, and I know it'll be funny after a while....

Three days after my birthday, a package arrived. Turns out he DID order the necklace I had been wanting. It's just beautiful! I'm thrilled to have it, and proud that he gave it to me. Life really isn't too bad, when someone you love really listens to you.


Photographically Organized!

It's taken almost a week, but I finally have most of the photos organized. Here's how my life works:

The original problem? Organize and clean the office/guest room. The excuse for not getting it done? The secondary problem, which is stacks and stacks of photo prints and film, all over my office. These are both huge projects, and one must be done for the other to be completed, capish?

So, I've identified the problem. Now I have to spend a few hours thinking about how to fix it. Spying an empty area in the office, above the cabinets, I think "Hey! that's a great place to store photos!". I am not, nor will I ever be a scrapbooker. I can't handle what I've got, much less make it look pretty. So now, I have to have photo storage boxes. I want covers so that the pics don't get all dusty. Problem? Well, I can't go that day, because I have to pick up the kids, and I avoid going anywhere with all three unless there is no other solution. Boxes can wait.

The next day, I have to go to Costco, because we need milk and stuff (Yes, I go to Costco every single week of my life, including stopping on the way home from giving birth to my youngest, but I digresss...) So I go look at Staples (because I really, really try not to shop Wal-mart, even though I'm cheap as hell!). I hit another problem....Staples doesn't have what I need, although they've come close with a cardboard box that costs $11 a whack...remember, I'm cheap, and thinking that $3 per box (and I'll need at least six of them) is my personal limit. I go into another store close by (did I mention I'm dragging a 4 year old who would rather spin in the office chairs than follow me thru the store?) and find a few boxes, but they are so ugly, I don't even bother to check the price. Bring perpetually hungry 4 year old home, and leave her with her Dad while I run to another store that's 10 miles away. BINGO! Found the boxes at the desired price. We're in the homestretch, right?

On Thursday, I sat down with the boxes and the photos and began to sort. CRAP!!! Why didn't I write down at least the year the pics were taken? The date I had reprints made from the digital camera, or had those goofy disposables processed? It can be YEARS from the actual date of the photo! This is going to take a while. I finally settle for getting the general year right. Which means, I have to remember that we moved to this house in 2002, and put the yard in in November, so if it's sunny and in the backyard, it has to be Spring 2003, unless there is barkmulch in the flowerbeds and then it could be late 2003, early 2004, right? And how old were the kids when we took them to Legoland for the first time? Second? Forget about my Dad or Mom, they've looked the same for YEARS....

So, I made it thru most of them today, and realized that I have plenty of pcitures that WON'T FIT IN THE BOXES!!! They are too damned big! Off I go to Wal-mart (Screw it -they are closest to my house!) in search of a legal size box (I told you the pics are big - some are 10x13!) Luckily, WallyWorld did not have what I was seeking...so off to Staples again. This time, I had to search to find something that would hold the legal size I needed. What I found didn't have a cover, which, if you've stayed with me this long, is the point of it all. I remembered that I have a file at home that will do, and I can move that stuff into the box I just bought, and use the box with the lid I already had!

18 million hurdles for something that I could have done in an afternoon, if I didn't have a family. Of course, if I didn't have a family full of cute kids, I wouldn't have taken nearly so many pictures, would I?

I'm a lucky woman, just tired of spinning my wheels all of the time.


Little League Social Club

Yep, I admit it. Most of my friends are my kids friends parents. Only one relationship from "pre-kids" has survived. I've met some pretty amazing people this way - people I'd never have come across otherwise.

It doesn't help that my DH works crazy hours. He's usually gone from 6pm to 3am, then he sleeps until 11am or Noon. Oh, and he always works weekends, and just about every holiday too. It's funny when people ask what we're doing on a three day weekend. They don't understand that holidays are just bonus paychecks for DH, the concept of a holiday weekend just doesn't exist in this household.

It's hard to invite people over too. See, he knows he'll be working 5 out of the next 7 days, he just doesn't know which five days they will be. Last week, he worked Sunday, Monday, thought he had Tuesday off, but got called in at 9pm, had Wednesday, Thursday and Friday off, worked Saturday. Next week? Yeah, he'll work, but it won't be the same days as this week. Doing things as a social unit is very hard. It's a problem, because I actually like to spend time with DH.

Little League starts on Tuesday, with our first team meeting. Luckily, the boys are on the same team again this year. Unluckily, the fantastic coach who has guided us all thru the first two years of teeball and year of farm is not returning this year. We did manage to get at least one family that we played with the last few years on this years team. I'm hoping for some new friends out of all of this too.


My road is paved with good intentions...

I certainly made up a fine "to do" list yesterday. Here's what I actually did...I went to the grocery store, took the kids to the park after school, and did a few loads of laundry. It doesn't feel good. I want to tell myself what a failure I am. I know, in reality, that shit happens and that it's ok, but I feel like I avoided stuff on purpose so I could beat myself up about it.

I thought about doing up the office, even did a little basic picking up, but no major overhaul. Wait...I did see that I need a new storage solution for photos, and for that I need to spend money. I don't really want to spend money, but I am planning on going to the dollar store to find some cheap photo boxes, which WILL help organize this place. It will also entertain my daughter, who LOVES the dollar store! Maybe it's the slow pace that bothers me. I do like to do things fast, and check them off my list. I know though, that taking things slow, and thinking things out gives me the most satisfaction. It's not like the patient will bleed out if I don't act on photo boxes, and taking time does NOT mean that it's not important - it's just only important enough to get it right the FIRST time, which may take a bit longer.

Anyways, DH had the day off. I told him yesterday that I wanted to go to church for Ash Wednesday. Not really for AW, but because I've been wanting to find a "spiritual place" and we've never been to church here. A Wednesday 10am mass seemed like a good time to check the place out. Anyways, after mentally battling with myself all morning, I took a pass. DH also managed to not wake up until 10:15, and then sort of accused me of being mad at him for not waking up. That isn't true, I knew I could wake him if I wanted to go, and I completely know that not going was my own choice. I just felt like I had other priorities, and I'm a bit scared. The people in this town seem very conservative, and I am used to a very liberal church. I'm terrified of the fire and brimstone, follow me like sheep scenario, even though I have no evidence at all. Who knows? This place might be the one voice of reason in the whole damn valley!

So I did the wifey stuff of laundry and groceries and school for the kids. Even found a great website http://www.gocitykids.com for stuff to do when I can't think of anything for the kids. I do feel quite different now, more sure, and a little less likely to expect the worst, so things are definitely improving.