
Day 6, chatty me

Day 5 didn't coun't because I went to work. I had to finish up my end of fiscal year stuff. All done!!!

I've rearranged Hope's room and it looks great! She is happy with her full sized bed and new armoire. I put all of her clothes away this morning, and it looks like it should fit everything nicely. I had to find the right sized storage bins to use as "drawers" on the shelves. Makes it a whole lot easier for her to reach things in the back. Now I need to clear out the gigantic heap in my living room, and organize her toys. This is not going to be fun, but I will feel great when I am done.

DH has taken the boys to see Transformers 2. Hope and I will go get pedicures instead. Can I just bitch a minute and say that so far this morning I have made breakfast (omelets even!) for the whole family, planned the next three nights meals, grocery shopped, organized Hope's closet, done a load of laundry and run two other errands and I have no evidence that DH did anything other than watch the kids while I did it? I am going to be one aggravated woman if this keeps up!

I got a phone call from a friend yesterday. Seems Little League has COMPLETELY spiraled out of control. She needs me to come to court as a witness to get a restraining order against a Mom that offered to "throw down" at a recent game. Honestly? I don't get it....it's baseball for our KIDS...not some parental drama. Should be interesting. I don't know if I am inviting the crazy lady into my life by doing this though....worries me a bit, but not too much. I'll just tell the judge what I saw....

I keep thinking about my other friend who has so clearly dropped me. I wish I could just forget about her completely, but I see her often as I'm driving around town doing my errands. She always looks away if she notices me. I really don't want to be friends with someone who would treat a "friend" like this. I would rather confront and resolve the problem, but I can't see how it would resolve, just escalate. So I am trying to let it go....I wish I was better at it, or I lived in a bigger town where it wasn't in my face so much.

1 comment:

Pez said...

Good luck at court, Jill.

Sorry about that friend. I think you are right that someone who would treat a friend like that may not be worth it. Is she feeling guilty about something?