
The best relatives are the ones you aren't related to...

My SIL just called. You'll figure out pretty quickly how kick-ass amazing she is.

See, my FIL died a few months ago. He had 4 daughters and he adopted my husband. FIL basically abandoned the girls, and adored my hubby. Makes interesting dinner conversation when we all get together. He was sick for a very long time, and I was the one who took care of him, and communicated his condition to the rest of the family. SIL knew and appreciated this, the other girls are too busy with their own lives, and their own father/daughter issues to pay much attention.....until he died that is. It's been especially nasty ever since.

I've been able to ignore most of it, but this week has been my personal brick wall. I was cool and competent throughout the funeral arrangements and such. Packed up his house, found little "remembrance" stuff to send to all the girls, and kept my mouth shut. I was a terriffic helper. I don't feel like doing that anymore, and I miss the hell outta the old guy. We're having some lovely spring weather here, and I keep thinking I should drive over the hill to see him...but he's not there. It's sad, and I know it will pass, but whatever posessed me to just let the others take all the grief? I want mine back, and I want to cry for this man. He was the best thing that ever happened to my husband, and he was terrific with my kids. We got along great, and he knew he could count on me.

Which brings us to Kick Ass SIL. She called tonight, just because she missed me. When I told her how I was feeling, she just let me bawl like a baby, and say shitty stuff about her sisters. Told me she was proud that she was the one I talked to about all this stuff. Offered to fly across country to "sqeeze my guts out" because we both needed a hug.

Then we talked about the important stuff, like my new haircut and her perfect eyebrows.

Everyone needs a relative like that.

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