
Caffeine overload...

My friend LOVES coffee....Me? not so much....

I mean, I do like coffee, but I don't drink it everyday. I tend to splurge every once in a while on a latte, but ordinarily, the caffeine is too much. Zoe, however, drinks espresso by the gallon.

She bought her husband a very spendy cappuccino machine for Christmas. I really, REALLY appreciated the caramel machiato last Saturday morning when the Little League game started at 8am. However, I'm not thrilled with the one she handed me today, at a 5pm practice. Why? Because I'm gonna be up all night! I really should have said something, but it was already made, unasked for, etc. I wanted to be "nice", and now I'm either gonna have to medicate myself or look like a hag tomorrow.

Tomorrow I go to the dentist to have a crown "adjusted". Actually my dentist (that I adore) did a shitty job on the crown, so now every kind of debris gets stuck there. (Disgusting, I know.) It has made me floss more often, but still.....It's kinda pathetic that I'm looking forward to this. See, I'll get probably 4 hours away from the house and kids, and I'm secretly thrilled. My dentist happens to be in the Big City, the one where I lived before I got married and had kids, so there are lots of good memories, and all of them are selfish ones! I'll probably drive past my old apartment, and maybe have lunch near my old job....and just maybe I'll run into someone I used to know.

More likely, I'll be frustrated with parking and drivers, and leave early, just to get out of the congestion! Still, it's nice to "visit" the life I used to have, knowing that I'm not ever going to be that person again, but that she's part of me.

1 comment:

Pez said...

How was the trip to the Big City? I hope you enjoyed your time. Even if it were for a dentist appt! :)