
16 days....

Ok, so it's been awhile....I've been busy.

Mom's been out of state for three weeks now, helping my niece, who doesn't understand the whole concept of "getting better". Of course, no one makes her move her muscles, so her rehab is going to take a while. I could go on an on about it, but I'll just piss somebody off....so.....

It's been nice having her gone. I'm getting things done around here, and feeling confident and in control. I've actually noticed my self esteem grow daily without having certain people around second guessing me, or worrying about what they might think. Perhaps I should take that lesson and apply it when "certain people" are actually around, eh? I'm telling you, I grow more brilliant by the day! LOL!!!

His Mom: DH is finding it tough to deal with her, because she won't do much to help herself. Still, he tries his best, and it seems to make him appreciate all he has at home. I know my turn with parental health issues is coming, and I'm not looking forward to it either.

The kids: The boys month long school break starts tomorrow. They are excited, yet disappointed that there is no "big" vacation this time. Well, vacations cost money, and I'm not feeling really rich these days.

I want so much for DH to leave his current job, and we've found a few business opportunities. If we buy a small business, I'd love to take a week off before we take over, but I cannot feel good about heaping up debt right now, until we have a brighter future to look towards. I should really go and get a job, but I'm a bit scared. One of the toughest transitions of my life was from middle management to Stay at Home Mom. How the hell do I go back to what I was then, and reconcile it with motherhood? I found the two to be incompatible in the past...and what will it do to my kids? (Of course, the alternative, what will being poorer than I'm willing to be do to my kids?)


1 comment:

Pez said...

Wow - what kind of small businesses are you interested in? I am sure that if you were working for yourself you would be able to better balance family and work. Best wishes!