
Various variety and virus too.

Wow, it's been a while....time flies when you are putting out one fire after another.

I'm still driving the rental van. My car has been ready at the shop for two weeks now, but I have the lamest claims agent on the planet. Of course she's probably related to her boss, because calling him hasn't done a damn thing to speed up the process. It's a simple claim, the police report clearly states that the other (insured) driver was at fault. The body shop got approvals prior to all the work...yet no check. I call a few times a week, and let her know that I'm fine with driving "not my" car for the rest of my life, but that it's getting pretty damned expensive. (We're at day 40 since the accident). I long for competency, but I haven't seen any yet.

The boys are doing well in school. Joey is going thru a phase that I can't quite name. He's seeking some sort of independence, yet he is such a perfectionist that he's punishing himself for not being independent enough or not doing it "correctly" or something. Lots of talks and trying to understand him. The closest thing I can compare it to is hormones. Wacky, overwhelming emotions, periods of poor judgement followed by brilliance. He's only 9 and a half....I'm just trying to keep the communication going and give him some breathing space, and a soft place to land when he falls.

Matthew is doing extra credit for his Science unit. He made a model of a boa constrictor capturing some Amazonian rodent and put it in a diorama. Looks pretty cool...too bad the camera still isn't working or I'd show it to you. He has to give an oral presentation tomorrow, and I am allowed to come and watch. Pretty exciting.

DH is still seeking a new job. The old one is still here, but barely. I'm using fishing analogies for encouragement....casting his net far and wide, continuing to fish even when no one's biting, etc. We think that our friend R will come thru. He's had a major sales managership fall into his lap, and it looks like he will hire David. Pretty exciting, but it isn't "for sure" just yet.

Hope has been ill. She picked up a virus last week that has left her weak as a kitten, and 5 lbs lighter (so far). I've been very worried about her. She's awake for about 3 whiny, fussy hours, then back to sleep for another 9 or so. I've had her at the doctors office twice, and the ER once. Her fever's gone thru the roof and back again, and she's currently on 5 different meds. I want her to be better, now! Tomorrow is Pajama Day at preschool, and I'd love it if she woke up in the morning a happy girl with an appetite, I have a feeling it's just not gonna happen.

She's asking for someone to hold her hand now, I gotta run.

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