
Random Thoughts...

I "traded" in the KIA rental for a Dodge Grand Caravan. Soooooo much better! My car is not quite totalled - it's within $500 of being totalled though. The insurance company says they will fix my minivan, so that's what we will do. I trust the body shop completely - the guy is honest and does great work. It's just a smarter financial decision, as we didn't plan on having a car payment right now, and adding 10-20K to our debt load doesn't seem like a wise thing to do. It will take about a month to get it fixed, so I'll enjoy the 2006 while I have it.

My elbow is bugging me. I had it X-rayed, and nothing is wrong with my bones, but I've had just enough pain to make it bothersome. I can only lift one grocery bag instead of my usual three, and I say "ouch" too many times during the day. I'll wait another week, then go back to the doc again if it isn't getting any better.

The head cold is almost over, but Hope and my Mom have it, and David is trying hard to be next. I hate it when Hope gets sick, she always develops a nasty cough, and hates taking any kind of medicine.

I need some video editing software. I have this lovely tape of Hope's preschool performance, but it's so huge I can't send it to anyone. I'll go search in a bit.

I'll try to get motivated and take the kids to the park tomorrow. It shouldn't be too cold (and it won't be too warm either, the high is projected at about 55F). They need some fresh air and sunshine, and so do I. I feel like I am waiting again, although I'm not sure for what.

The news just proclaimed that Saddam Hussein was executed. While the man was pond scum, I don't believe that killing him will remove or even reduce the amount of villainy and destruction in the world. The only point made in all this is that George Bush is still an idiot with evil overtones. He has a statement forthcoming that "distances" him from the Iraqi government's actions....what a chickenshit asshole. Take responsibility for having the man killed....and make time to show up at Ford's funeral while you're at it. Really, the differences between Hussein, Bush and yes, even Hitler are just degrees. Not one of them has/had a decent concept of humanity, and all have contributed to making this world a little worse off for their presence.

And with those happy thoughts, I'm off to distract myself before bed.

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