
Bucket List?

I do like to visit this place from time to time....it reminds me of where I was....and as my dear friend tells me, when she checks here she often wonders where I went too...

Wake up, mother, work, mother, eat, mother, sleep, repeat.....that's what I do these days. My soul is more satisfied than it has been in a long time. I enjoy the adult interaction at my job. I didn't even know I missed it until I got back to work. My relationships with my kids are more meaningful, because I have to be careful about what I focus on in our more limited time together.

I'm currently pondering the concept of quality vs. quantity....as in life experiences. Is is OK that I will never get thru my own personal "Bucket List"? What will Paris do if I don't actually eat a caramel macaron while standing in front of Laduree? Will I be satisfied with my life at the end if I know I was a good mom that never realized her dreams? or is my realization that being a good Mom is more than enough?

So maudlin, I'm stopping now...