
Spendy Wendy

Yup, that's me!

Since I last posted, I've splurged on some major purchases...

A new computer.
Because the old one managed to pick up a nasty virus AND blow up the mouse on the same day. Took me 24 hours to figure out that the mouse was blown as well, I had it figured that the virus would alter the driver somehow. Anyways, I made sure that I got a good deal, and didn't splurge on extras, just a machine that will last another 5 years.

DH's birthday.
He turned 40 this year. About 10 days before his birthday, the conversation went like this...

ME: Honey, your birthday is coming up, and I need a few hints on what you'd like...
DH: I dunno...
ME: Well, it is your 40th, and if you'd like anything special, I'll need more than a few days to organize things.
DH: Knowing you, you've had something planned for months....
ME: (SILENT SCREAM - I've got NOTHING! And apparently, he wants a big deal)
Of course, the memory of his 30th finally returns, he DID want a big deal then as well, so I planned a poker party with his buddies....cigars, beer, heartburn food, and they stayed up all night and had a blast. I'm gonna have to come up with something...

We live too far from his poker buddies to hold it here, and we have three children now, so that makes it totally impractical as well as being a "repeat". So, I thought about it, and realized that his secret wish is really to go to New Jersey, to see his sisters shore house. Of course, we didn't go to New Jersey in May because we need to stop spending so much money. I managed to convince myself that if we didn't take the kids, we would SAVE $1500 (HA!!!).

So I called SIL and we worked out a little surprise. I managed to handle child care, and buy the tickets, she got all the family together for a Saturday house party. I kept it a complete secret from him and HATED IT! DH and I always share big plans, and to not be able to talk about it with him was very stressful for me. I actually counted my Xanax, and determined that even if I had to take one every day before we left, I'd still have some left over (I did take one, the night I booked the tickets, but that's all). I told him I'd do all his packing, that we would go away on Friday after his birthday, and that all he had to do was be ready at 9:30am. I talked to his work, and made sure they were OK with it.

On Friday, he was ready at the appointed time. I put two carry-on bags in the back of the truck and we dropped Hope off at daycare. He "let" me drive the truck even! Apparently he thought we were headed to Tahoe or Reno, because when we passed the Tahoe turnoff, he smiled a smug little smile, and then when we passed the Reno turnoff, he looked genuinely confused. When I pulled into the airport, he couldn't stop asking questions. When I took him to JetBlue and told him where we were going, he was speechless, and then thrilled!!!!

I was so relieved, because I had worried that he might be mad. That maybe the gift was too big, or too expensive, or he shouldn't take time from his work or his Mom. No, he was just fine with it, grinning from ear to ear! We had a decent flight to JFK, then a long car ride to Jersey. It may come as a surprise to some people, but the Van Wyck is STILL under construction! (Ok, bad joke).

We went to SIL and BIL's house and had pasta and wine, and talked until about 1am. The next day, SIL and I left early to go to the shorehouse, while the guys waited for the babysitter. They stopped at Midway and had sausage and peppers, while we decorated the house. DH didn't know that there were 15 other family members waiting for him there. He was surprised when he walked in. Even though it rained all day and night, we had such a great time, laughing and just hanging out.

Our flight on Monday was totally whacked. I booked it thru America West and will never make that mistake again. The flight was late, we missed our connection, and ended up in Las Vegas at 2am (it was 98 degrees) with a voucher for the Airport HoJo's. What a pit! When we finally got to our room, the key worked, but a roach was running OUT of the room. I wish I could say it was the only insect I came across that night, but it wasn't even the only variety of bug. We took an 8am flight out of Vegas and after stopping for lunch, got home at around Noon, completely exhausted. I ended up napping on the couch most of the afternoon, with kids bouncing on me. I didn't even care....

The boys birthday party
Yep, I booked the bouncy waterslide, to the tune of $200 and invited 40 to the party. Looks like it will be closer to 20, but I actually considered being a "Costco Creep" and buying a waterslide there, knowing I would return it after the party. Ok, so I won't really, but I want too...it would save me $200.

I'm dreading paying bills this month, I haven't even looked at them. I will do it on Monday, I promise, but for now, I'm pretending that this isn't real money I'm spending.